Pet Guardians receive referrals from representatives of local hospice and assisted care agencies. We serve clients (who have been referred to us) by helping them find homes for their pets when they can no longer care for them. Clients who fall under our mission are individuals who are at the end of life or those who because of illness and advanced age can not adequately care for their pets. Specifically, we help individuals who have no family or friends able to assist them during a time of change. Only individuals living in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania will be considered for Pet Guardians services. Residents living outside of Lancaster County are encouraged to contact other animal rescue groups.

Pet owners must provide information about known medical and behavioral issues and proof that the pet has been checked by a vet within one month prior to relinquishing the animal to Pet Guardians. The pet must be in relatively good health, current in regard to immunizations and vaccinations and neutered/spayed. Pet owners who do not comply with these policies will not considered for services.

An animal will be rejected if aggression is present..

We do not take in pets from the general public.